Thursday, June 11, 2009

Back from Vacation

Well, I got back from Mrytle Beach on Tuesday evening. It was a wonderful, much much needed mini vacation and I was not too excited to get back home. I did miss my other half, though, and my grandmother from Bermuda flew in just after me! I had yesterday off so we spent the day together. She went with me to check out a park for photo sessions (we were planning on visiting three, but the first one we went to was so incredible, we spent so much time there that we did not have time to stop anywhere else... it was BEAUTIFUL!)So, I am just now uploading the 2000 pictures I took while in Mrytle Beach and trying to go through them to post them online as I had two photo sessions down there. But my eyes are starting to burn and I am feeling incredibly tired so we shall see how much I get accomplished tonight. Here are a few pictures in the meantime, though. =)