It is really really late and my eyes are burning! But before I can lay down and close my eyes I am going to post up a few pictures from the wedding today!
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Jake and Lynda's Wedding
Posted by Tygre at 1:16 AM 0 comments
Labels: wedding
Saturday, December 26, 2009
First Wedding!
I shot my first wedding today! Boy am I tired! It has been a very busy week and the wedding was fun! It was a great experience and I'm sure out of the 2,000 pictures I have at least a few good ones. =) I will post some of my favorites after I start going through them. Considering that this was my first wedding (and never having shadowed a pro) I don't think I did too bad. I know that after I go through the pictures, especially, I will learn from my mistakes and do even better next time (which is in March!)
Getting the first wedding is always the hardest and I really appreciate my brother-in-law and now sister-in-law for giving me the opportunity. Its unfortunate that they will not have my best work, but it means a lot to me that they trusted me. =) Congratulations and good luck you two!
Posted by Tygre at 10:19 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Family Christmas Portraits
On Sunday I had the sheer pleasure of taking family photos of a friend from college. You may remember her from the maternity pictures in the beginning of the summer and while I didn't post any pictures of her, you saw the newest little blessing a couple of months later. Now he has grown even more and is a beautiful, happy baby! Here is a sneak peak of a few of the pictures!
Posted by Tygre at 10:15 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Another Book!
I just created and published a new book! After deciding to start my photography business, I published a book with for my portfolio. Because I was just starting out I did not have a lot of portraits to add to the book, so I dug through years of photos for something...anything! Back in March it was my goal to create another book just of portraits and today I completed that goal! I feel very blessed to have a great first year and to be able to share special moments and fill a book with these beautiful people! You can see a preview by clicking on the following badge!
Posted by Tygre at 5:06 PM 0 comments
Phillip's Senior Session
Phillip's session was a breeze! He was so natural and jumped right in with any idea. Here are just a few from his session. =)
Posted by Tygre at 3:22 AM 0 comments
Staci and Dustin's Engagement Session
Staci is one busy super lady so for her engagement session we had to split it up into two! The first day we were planning on taking advantage of the beautiful fall foliage (which looked gorgeous!) however the weather forced us to other plans with all the rain. Since she wanted outdoors-y type pictures, I suggested the Franklin Park Conservatory. I warned that it will look very green and outdoors-y, but I was not sure how much of the fall colors we would get. Well... we were pleasantly surprised! The FPC outdoor exhibits had some trees with BEAUTIFUL colors and the rain had let up just enough so that we could get out and take some pictures! In the end, they turned out awesome and I hope that Staci will love these pictures as much as I did taking them!
This was one of the very last series of pictures we took that evening. The first time we went outside I noticed these beautiful yellow leaves on the wood walkway and they agreed to lay down on the cold wet ground for these last pictures. I absolutely love how they turned out and am glad that they did not get dirty for nothing. =)
Posted by Tygre at 3:10 AM 0 comments
Labels: couples, engagement, fall
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Mike and Becky
On a Sunday about a few weeks ago I had the joy of photographing my best friend and her family as they expect another one on the way! It was a very very cold day and although the leaves were not quite at their peek, we got some beautiful fall foliage!
Here is a sneak peek.
Posted by Tygre at 5:05 PM 0 comments
Oh My.
I have been really behind! I have been so sick lately and unfortunately it has been pulling me away from the computer and pictures. And the one or two days I do feel well I use to catch up on housework that had fallen behind so I deeply apologize to everyone. But I will be going to a specialist and hopefully start feeling better very soon!
I have decided that instead of catching up all in one blog... I will create a new blog for each entry-so, I will start from the beginning.
Posted by Tygre at 5:02 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 3, 2009
So You Think You Can Rap Round 3
So last night was the last round of So You Think You Can Rap at Skully's and my second time taking the pictures. I must admit I was not feeling very good (fighting bronchitis now for 2 weeks) but I learned a lot from the first time and I was able to get fewer shots with just about every one turning out great! Here are my two favorite shots so far.
Posted by Tygre at 3:34 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Some Photos Posted
Well, I managed to get through quite a few of the photos today and posted them on photobucket.
Click here to check them out!
Posted by Tygre at 10:42 PM 0 comments
Labels: So you think you can rap
Event Photography Experience
Tonight was my first event photography gig! I took pictures for the second round of "So You Think You Can Rap". It was an awesome experience. Unfortunately, I have fallen asleep a couple of times while going through the pictures so for tonight, I will give you one teaser. ;) I will post a couple more later and let you know where you can find the rest of the pictures. =)
Good night!
Posted by Tygre at 1:31 AM 0 comments
Labels: So you think you can rap
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Emily's Birthday
Yesterday we had my cousin's birthday party at my Nana's pool and Lake house. It was a great time, the kids had a blast, my aunt did a fabulous job decorating and it made for a lot of fun pictures! Here are just a few! the beautiful and delicious cake my aunt made
Emily blew out the candle before we had finished singing =)
this little girl had so much fun in the water!
Posted by Tygre at 8:02 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Logo Take 2 (or 3)
Okay... so for months I have been looking at my logo and still was not happy with it... I finally realized what I needed but was too sick to even play around with it. I finally got a chance to do that tonight and I'm pleased with the result... hopefully I will like it a little longer. =) Too bad I had a bunch of folders printed with the old logo. =/
Posted by Tygre at 9:01 PM 0 comments
I'm Back!
Wow, it's been a long time since I have posted. I have been sick for the past month but I am finally feeling better!
Last weekend I went down to visit my Nana. She lives on a lake and just had a pool put in! We had a blast and of course took many many pictures of my cousin and neighbor kids playing in the water. Here are just a few. =)
My soon to be 6yr old cousin was so excited she could jump off the side now!
I love this picture of the neighbor boy... he looks like he's flexing but he's preparing to jump in.
The little brother of the neighbor boy... he didn't spend nearly as much time in the water as his older brother but it wore it him out!
And of course the kids loved being tipped over by grandpa.
Posted by Tygre at 7:19 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 27, 2009
Welcome Baby Tristan!
Yesterday I had the blessing of doing a photo session of little Tristan. You may remember the maternal picks a few months ago... well, now he is here! He is absolutely adorable and while he was not too fond of getting his picture taken, we got some good ones. Here are a couple...
Posted by Tygre at 9:04 PM 0 comments
Labels: baby, black and white, children
Saturday, July 18, 2009
4th of July Weekend
I apologize I have not posted in so long! But I had some free time to go through some pictures I took the 4th of July weekend. My best friend came up to visit with her mom who was in the country. We took them to a few places around town but my friend is incredibly photogenic that the trips turned into photo shoots. Here are a few of those pics. =)
Posted by Tygre at 4:40 PM 0 comments
Labels: Portraits
Thursday, July 9, 2009
I shared the logo with a very good friend of mine and he gave me just the suggestion I was looking for! So, here is the final result of my new logo...
Posted by Tygre at 9:42 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 4, 2009
God Bless America!
Happy 4th of July everyone! Tonight Columbus had a beautiful display of fireworks during Red, White, and Boom! Here is one of the many many that I took. Thank you so much, to all of the men and women who protect our country including my brother and brother-in-law. I can never thank you enough!
Posted by Tygre at 2:56 AM 0 comments
Labels: fireworks
Monday, June 29, 2009
New Logo
I just spent some time in photoshop and created a logo for bags and so forth. I like it... but I feel like something is missing... Maybe I will take a look at it tomorrow and have a better idea. =)
Posted by Tygre at 10:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tygre Marie
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Reverse - Black and White
On Monday night I spent hours playing with a picture from a shoot from a week ago and I really like the effect of it. I took a picture that was a little washed out but beautiful and bright. I made it black and white and very carefully selected the daisies to keep their color. Because the daisies were bokeh, they turned out to look almost like watercolor. I kind of liked the overall picture at first, but something did not quite seem right. So I went back to it the next day, adjusted the brightness and contrast a little and then decided to crop it and I think I am happy with the final product.
Posted by Tygre at 4:37 PM 0 comments
Labels: black and white, children, photoshop
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Portrait Session
This morning I had a portrait session with an adorable and absolutely fun young family. Here is a preview of some of the pictures for them. =)
Posted by Tygre at 9:23 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Fireworks at Mrytle Beach
I have been dieing to get pictures of fireworks for the last couple of years and while I was in Mrytle Beach I had an unexpected opportunity! When we went to Barefoot Landing my last night there, I noticed a bunch of people were congregating on some of the boardwalks and I wondered why. A little while later, locked in a storage room, I was getting ready to try on a dress thinking to myself if it was worth the effort because of my near second degree sunburn, when I heard this loud bang. And it all made sense... fireworks! So I ran out of the "fitting room", gave the dress to the lady who got it down for me, told her I didn't think it would work out for me. Ran to the bench where my Nana was sitting, grabbed my camera and then ran around the corner to get some shots.
I used the boardwalk railing to steady my elbows and kept playing with the shutter speed as I took the pictures. Here are a few of them.
Posted by Tygre at 6:48 PM 0 comments
Labels: fireworks, Mrytle Beach
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Preview of Today's Photo Session
Today I had the pleasure of photographing a beautiful little girl at a beautiful park! Here is a preview of some of the pictures. =)
Posted by Tygre at 5:12 PM 0 comments
Labels: children
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Back from Vacation
Well, I got back from Mrytle Beach on Tuesday evening. It was a wonderful, much much needed mini vacation and I was not too excited to get back home. I did miss my other half, though, and my grandmother from Bermuda flew in just after me! I had yesterday off so we spent the day together. She went with me to check out a park for photo sessions (we were planning on visiting three, but the first one we went to was so incredible, we spent so much time there that we did not have time to stop anywhere else... it was BEAUTIFUL!)So, I am just now uploading the 2000 pictures I took while in Mrytle Beach and trying to go through them to post them online as I had two photo sessions down there. But my eyes are starting to burn and I am feeling incredibly tired so we shall see how much I get accomplished tonight. Here are a few pictures in the meantime, though. =)
Posted by Tygre at 8:48 PM 0 comments
Labels: beach, black and white, family, Portraits