Saturday, February 6, 2010

Beautiful Snow!

In Ohio, it's pretty rare that we get a real good snowstorm. At least in central Ohio. But the past 30some hours have been an exception! Weathermen all week reported freezing rain and sleet on Friday that would turn into snow Friday night and into Saturday with a possible of 5 to 8 inches of snow. Well, Friday morning I'm teaching my students and look outside and notice snow is coming down like CRAY-ZEEEE! And it was 9:30am! No sleet or freezing rain (Thank you God!) but lots and lots of snow all day long (5 to 8 changed to 8 to 12). When I got home I noticed my fiance had shoveled the steps to our house for me as well as a path so when I stepped out of my car I wouldn't be buried in snow (which was so nice b/c silly me decided to wear slip on shoes with 1/2 inch heel thinking there wouldn't be snow until later.) But even his good deeds were of some vain as there was at least still 1/2" of snow on the ground. (I found out today that he actually shoveled it twice. It was coming down fast!)

Anyway, snow all night and into morning. We went out for lunch and saw a car sitting completely sideways on the other side of the road and cars were having to go around it. It looked like it had just happened, but then we noticed in fact that apparently plow trucks just went right around it as there was a V of snow surrounding it! I couldn't help but laugh and wished I had my camera!

By the time we got home from lunch the sky was clearing up to a beautiful blue and I had to take advantage of the opportunity and get some pictures of the snow. You should have seen me. I haven't had proper snow gear since I was 14 so I put on old stretchy jeans that barely fit over my stretch pants. Long sleeve shirt under hoodie. And b/c I thought knee high boots would be better than tennis shoes in the foot of snow, I opted for the 2" with no traction over the 3" stiletto. At least I had a great warm Columbia jacket that I don't wear often. Not to mention that I stuffed a telephoto lens in my pocket. I looked like a huge dork! (But when do I not? ;)) I didn't go far. Just around the community. We have a little wooded spot and I saw some footprints where some others have braved the deep snow so I trodded very carefully over there. I saw some beautiful robins sitting on a snow covered branch and a squirrel peering out of her nest at me. Here are just a few of those images!